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Portable Electronic Device Policy Update


Upcoming Court Holidays:
February 12th (Lincoln's Birthday)
February 17th (Washington's Birthday obsvd.)


We are hiring!  Click here for more information. 
Look for the job openings under Circuit Clerk

Contact Information:

119 W. Madison Street, Room 103A
Ottawa, IL  61350
Phone:  (815) 433-1761
Fax:  (815) 433-6209


The mission of the Veterans Assistance Commission of LaSalle County, Illinois, is to provide emergency financial assistance to indigent veterans and their families. To seek first to understand and to improve the economic well being and quality of life for the veterans of LaSalle County, who have served our country honorably, in the Armed Forces of the United States. The VAC also provides non-financial services and seeks to identify and provide for other needs that Veterans and their families may have.

Examples of Assistance

A partial listing of available services provided include assistance with the following:

•Mortgage or rent payments.

•Utility payments.

•Emergency medical prescription.

•VA Medical Transportation needs.

•Burial expenses.

•Work or Home related expenses.

•Food/Family Essentials

•Auto Expenses

The VAC of LaSalle County also offers advocacy, information and referral, location and retrieval of discharge documents, and other services for the Veteran Community.