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Upcoming Court Holidays:
February 12th (Lincoln's Birthday)
February 17th (Washington's Birthday obsvd.)


We are hiring!  Click here for more information. 
Look for the job openings under Circuit Clerk

The Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Family Violence Prevention Council (Council) was established in 1996 as a forum for local service providers and community members in Bureau, Grundy, and LaSalle Counties to develop, support and expand needed services addressing interpersonal family violence. It is one of 23 Illinois Family Violence Coordinating Councils (, one for every judicial circuit in the state.

The purpose of the Council is to improve institutional, professional and community responses to forms of violence such as child abuse, youth dating violence, adult partner abuse, and elder abuse; to engage in education and prevention; to coordinate intervention and services for victims and perpetrators; and to contribute to the improvement of the legal system and the administration of justice. By bringing in national speakers and tapping local talent, the Council has developed the reputation as a leading provider of workshops on topics related to interpersonal violence.

Our vision  is to establish a community where everyone not only feels safe, but is safe. We would love for you to join us. Together, we can make a difference!