Click here for Important Notices

Portable Electronic Device Policy Update


Upcoming Court Holidays:
February 12th (Lincoln's Birthday)
February 17th (Washington's Birthday obsvd.)


We are hiring!  Click here for more information. 
Look for the job openings under Circuit Clerk

As of July 1, 2014 the Circuit Clerk's office will no longer accept payments.  All payments will be required to go through the State Disbursement Unit.  

  1. Always enclose the name and case number of the person responsible for making the payment.

  2. Payments must be made in the form of cashier's check, certified check or money order. 

  3. All checks or money orders should be made payable to:  State Disbursement Unit

  4. Please attach this  SDU Conversion Remittal Form  when making payments to the State Disbursement Unit

  5. Mail payments to:  State Disbursement Unit; PO Box 5400; Carol Stream, IL  60197-5400

  6. An annual fee of $36 is assessed each year.  This fee is in addition to and separate from amounts to be paid as child support.  Payment of this fee should be sent as a separate check or money order to the Circuit Clerk's office.  This payment should be designated as "Administrative Fee" to assure proper accounting credit.  Delinquent fees are subject to collections.

  7. If you have questions as to when the last payment was made or other questions regarding payments, you may contact the Illinois State Disbursement Unit at 1-877-225-7077 or you may visit their web-site at

  8. If you want to modify an existing Divorce of Family case order or file a Rule to Show Cause for non-compliance of an order, the following forms are provided for your benefit.

    Petition to Modify

    Notice of Hearing

    Petition for Rule to Show Cause

    Order for Rule to Show Cause

    If you are acting as your own attorney, you are expected to know which form to use and how to properly fill it out.

  9. For More information regarding unpaid Child Support click here.