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If you are thinking about getting an Order of Protection in LaSalle County, look at this checklist first to find out if you meet the basic requirements for this kind of case.  If you file this online, you MUST come to the Circuit Clerk's office with the receipt number provided at the end of the process.  This is the ONLY way a court case will be filed on your behalf.  Once the case is filed, you will be required to go in front of a judge who will then make the determination of whether your petition is granted or denied.

To start filling out a petition online, go to


1. Relationship to the Respondent
  The person needing protection (this is probably you) is called the "Petitioner" and the "Respondent" is the person that you want protection from. How are you related to the Respondent?
We are married, or we used to be married (husband, wife, spouse).
We are dating each other, or we used to date (boyfriend, girlfriend, intimate partner).
We have a child together.
We are family members (parent, child, sibling, step-parent, step-child, or other family relationship).
We live together, or we used to live together (roommate, housemate, live-in partner).
I have a disability, and the Respondent is my caregiver (personal assistant).
  You must be able to check at least one of these boxes. An Order of Protection only covers these kinds of domestic relationships. If you are not related to the Respondent in any of these ways, then you can´t get an Order of Protection. However, you may be able to get a different kind of civil order. For other situations, you may contact an attorney to find out if you can get a Civil Restraining Order. Remember, you may always call the police if you are afraid or need help, even if you do not have an Order of Protection.
2. Recent Incident of Abuse or Threat
  Orders of Protection are meant to prevent future abuse. Abuse can be physical or sexual (grabbing, pushing, hitting, kicking, choking, forcing you to do things you do not want to do), verbal or harassing (threats to hurt you, repeated phone calls or text messages), stalking (following you) or other similar behaviors. It is okay if you have not called the police. You may still be able to get an Order of Protection.There are a few things that the judge will look for. Which of these are true for you right now?
The Respondent has done something abusive (physical, verbal, harassing or stalking).
This abuse happened recently.
The Respondent has a history of abuse toward you or other people.
The abuse is getting worse, or you think the abuse would get worse if the Respondent knew you were trying to get an Order of Protection.
  You must be able to check most, if not all, of these boxes. An Order of Protection is given when something abusive is happening right now. If you are not sure whether what happened to you is abuse, or if an abuse happened recently, you may want to talk to an advocate or lawyer before you ask a judge for an Order of Protection. Remember that you may always call the police if you are afraid or need help.
3. Location
  It is important to go to the right courthouse for Orders of Protection. Which of these are true for you?
I (the Petitioner) live in LaSalle County.
The Respondent lives in LaSalle County.
The abuse happened in LaSalle County.
I (the Petitioner) fled to LaSalle County for my safety, and I am living here for right now to stay safe.
  You must be able to check at least one of these boxes. If none of these are true for you, then you will need to get your Order of Protection in a different county. Usually, it is best to go to the courthouse in the county where you live, or where the abuse happened.

If you don't know how to file this petition, please call or visit the website of the following legal agencies. 
Safe Journeys (formerly ADV & SAS)

We hope the information presented here will help your understanding of the circuit court system as it relates to Domestic Violence and guide you to the resources within the community that may be available to you.  If you do meet these three basic requirements, then you may be able to get an Order of Protection in LaSalle County.

To start filling out a petition online, go to


If you need help with a situation involving domestic violence and do not know where to turn, there are many Legal Assistance, Court Advocacy, and Social Service Organizations that provide a variety of services to victims of domestic violence. Please visit our Links page for additional resources that may be available to you involving domestic violence.