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There are three forms which must be completed for obtaining a Joint Simplified Dissolution of Marriage.  All of these forms have been drafted to be self-explanatory and as easy to complete as possible.

With all three forms, you should either type the necessary information or neatly print the information in ink.  Fill out all forms completely.  The Circuit Clerk's Office will insert the number ("No.") on the Affidavit, Petition and Judgment.  Even though this is a "Joint" petition, one of the parties must be designated as "Petitioner" and the other must be designated as a "Respondent".  Traditionally, the party seeking the dissolution is the petitioner.

The "Joint Petition for Simplified Dissolution of Marriage" and the "Joint Affidavit Regarding Separation of the Parties, Division of Property and Waiver of Bifurcated Heari st be signed in front of a Notary Public.  You shoudl file a copy of your written agreement dividing marital assets, debts and liabilities at the same time you file the petition.

The "Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage" need not be signed in front of a notary, but should be completed and signed by both parties (below the words "Approved as to Form and Content") before your hearing.  The judge will complete the "Entered" line and sign the judgment if the dissolution is granted.

If the wife wishes to return to her maiden name or former name, you should complete paragraphs 11 and C of the Petition and paragraphs 11 and D of the Judgment.

In addition to these three forms, the Circuit Clerk's Office will give you a Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage which you must complete.

The fee to file for the dissolution is $366.00 payable to the LaSalle County Circuit Clerk in the form of cash, check, money order or credit card (Visa & Mastercard only).

You may make your own copies prior to filing or have the Circuit Clerk's office make them for you.  Please see the page on Copy Requests for our fees.