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Portable Electronic Device Policy Update


Upcoming Court Holidays:
November 5th (Election Day)
November 11th (Veteran's Day)



If you have posted bond for a Defendant in a Traffic or Criminal case, you should read the Bail Bond form that you signed when posting the bond:


I hereby acknowledge that I have posted bail for the Defendant named above.  I further understand that if the Defendant fails to comply with the conditions of this bail bond, that the Court shall enter an order declaring the bail to be forfeited and used to pay costs, attorney's fees, fines or other purposes authorized by the Court.  Further, I understand that the Court may, at it's discretion, order any or all of the bail bond deposited to be used for fines, costs, fees, or restitution at the time of sentencing without regard to prior assignment.

The above section of the Bail Bond form explains that if the Defendant you posted bond for is sentenced to pay a fine and fees, the bond money will be applied towards the fines and fees.  The forms also explains that even if there are not fines and fees assessed by the Court, if you only posted 10 percent of the bail amount, the Clerk shall retain 10 percent of the bond amount posted as bail bond costs.  If there is any bond left to be refunded after paying the fine and fees, it will be refunded to the person as directed on the Bail Bond form.  The Circuit Clerk will mail the refund to the address listed on the Bail Bond form.